Review: “Love Me” Curious ghost-love story

Review: "Love Me" Headline Curious ghost-love story


Arjun (Ashish Reddy) and Pratap (Ravi Krishna T) are ghost myth-busting YouTubers. When Pratap’s girlfriend Priya (Vaishnavi Chaitanya) urges him to investigate an unsolved disappearance, Arjun finds himself chasing a mystery. His search leads him to Divyavathi, a ghost inhabiting an abandoned apartment building. A chance encounter with Divyavathi at the supposedly haunted location throws him off balance. Ignoring new truth bombs, Arjun decides to delve deeper. As Arjun ventures into the unknown, a burning question emerges: Is Divyavathi alive or dead?

Telugu Funda’s take on key performances:

Ashish Reddy: Flat and somewhat dull.
Vaishnavi Chaitanya: Less than intense. No intrigue involved.
Simran Chaudhary: Average.
Others: Well, just about there.

Telugu Funda’s take on Negatives:

Writer-director Arun Bhimavarapu is equipped with a curious storyline. There are no two ways about it. But what is inadequate is that he tries to make the film appear over-smart. Several scenes test the audience’s patience because of the many questions that emerge after each plot point or twist.

In the name of smart writing and twists, there is too much content crammed in. The film is drawn out and feels like one unending monologue whenever a ghost speaks in the background.

Telugu Funda’s take on Positives:

The final thirty minutes don’t make us ridicule the film. And that’s the only best part. At times, the storyline appears so good that you start feeling sorry for the wasted potential.

MM Keeravani’s music is under-appreciated as far as this film is concerned. Of course, what Thaman did for ‘Bhaagamathie’ and what Ajaneesh Loknath delivered for ‘Virupaksha’ were superior. But then, Keeravani’s brief was to lend a musical quality to the proceedings. And he did the job well. The background score is not that bad either.

PC Sreeram’s cinematography and Avinash Kolla’s production design (going beyond mere art direction) aid the film without adding much value.

Telugu Funda Verdict:

‘Love Me: If You Dare’ is not cliched but is not new-age either. It is not silly but its weirdness is not nice either.

TeluguFunda Rating: 2.25

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